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Voice-based Companion Bot for Elderly Healthcare


The client is among the big players in the healthcare sector. They have been investing regularly in the technology area to diversify their portfolio and offer more advanced services. One of the new projects that the company is planning to do is a voice-enabled chatbot designed particularly for the elderly. Identifying the challenges faced by old people in adopting digital technologies, client planned to bridge the gap through next-gen solutions. People at old age usually stay home while other family members go to work or school. They may need a bot to make their daily tasks streamlined like taking medicines on time. They partnered with OrangeMantra to transform their idea into reality. The client wanted to address the widespread healthcare challenges most people come across during old age.




AI/IoT/Emerging Tech 

Our Process

Having an automation solutions team in place, we promptly responded to the client’s requirement with a realistic proposal. Our team of automation experts, business analysts, and healthcare industry specialists dived into the requirement and came up with a plan. We proposed a voice-based companion bot for elderly people.

The prospective clients of the company can converse with the bot. The functionalities of the bot would be focused on the health and happiness of elderly people. The client’s team like our proposal and asked us to work on the plan. Accordingly, we developed a feature-rich, and easy-to-converse bot that takes care of its users’ healthcare-related needs. The bot keeps track of the user’s health-related activities, medication routine, and doctor’s appointment schedules, etc. It also reminds the user of all these activities.

Personalized Design

The voice bot focused on a simple and intuitive interface, helping seniors to interact using their natural language.

Health Monitoring

Sensors and wearables supported the bot to keep a check on the vital health metrics, share medication reminders, and generate alerts in case of emergency.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Our team leveraged NLP technology to build bot capable of understanding and responding to users’ voice commands and queries, for user-friendly experience.


After the integration of all critical elements, the bot was deployed in phases keeping performance intact for optimized performance.

The Problem

Client wanted to create automated healthcare services with minimal human involvement. Considering the prevailing shortage of expert medical care professionals, they did not want to rely much on human workers. But they were unable to find a tech partner that could develop a suitable automation solution. They need to integrate AI technology to improve their customer care service. They were unable to monitor and track medical history of patients due to lack of automation facility. No feature was available to remind patients about medication time, doctor’s appointment, and lab tests.

Our Role

  • Personalized Design
  • Health Monitoring
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Deployment

Project Challenges

1.Limited Digital Literacy

Most elderly individuals are unaware of digital technologies, making it streamlined for them to use bots was a real challenge.

2.Communication Issues

Traditional process of communication, including the text-based interfaces, was ineffective for seniors, resulting into misunderstandings of health-related data.


The client was able to launch its planned automated healthcare services after bot development. The uniqueness and attractive features of the bot helped the services quickly become a success. The health technology startup acquired a large customer base for the bot-based service. Business revenue increased by 32% due to the new service. The bot became immensely popular among elderly people in the client’s target market. The brand image of the company strengthened, and it created a reputation as an innovation-driven company.

1.Improved Healthcare Management

The health monitoring features resulted into better management of medication adherence, early detection of diseases, and timely treatment by experts.

2.Positive Feedback

The features and ease of use of the voice-based interface received positive feedback from elderly users, even those with no technology experience.

3.Transparent Communication

Voice bot facilitated better and transparent communication between old people and caregivers. It enabled prompt response to health concerns and lowering the risk of miscommunication.

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