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Investment Management Platform for a Finance Startup

Project Highlights

Looking to build an advanced web application but were facing limited development & QA resources. They wanted to create web platform and ensure it is properly tested to keep any failure and bug eliminated. They were seeking help in creating an application that shows crucial information about trading.

Project Highlights
Business Challenges

Looking to build an advanced web application but were facing limited development & QA resources. They wanted to create web platform and ensure it is properly tested to keep any failure and bug eliminated. They were seeking help in creating an application that shows crucial information about trading.

Technology Solution

Deployed test engineers with extensive experience in testing financial and trading systems. Designed tests based on user flows and past bug tendencies. We developed a platform with customized UI/UX design keeping their business requirements on priority. Worked on smooth navigation of the application after adding required categories.

Value Delivered

Effortless registration process any business owner can be part of the finance growing platform by opening an account. Real-time push notifications is a game-changers for businesses to get real-time information for account balance credits, debits and messages.

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