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Real-time Digital Ad Inventory Management Software Development

Project Highlights

Our client, a leading digital publishing house, wants to streamline and optimize the management of their online advertising inventory. The existing ad management system was outdated and not optimized to meet changing market needs. They aim to build a custom Ad Inventory Management Software that assists them to efficiently track, analyze, and optimize their ad spaces. OrangeMantra was the right technology partner that helped them to automate their legacy Ad management system.

Project Highlights
Business Challenges

Client was already using an ad inventory management software that was only optimized for desktops. The presence of cumbersome Excel sheets was time consuming to manage and no process was available for real-time data insights. With the legacy approach, they had to completely manage the process in manual form across different disparate systems, which was consuming too much resources.

Technology Solution

We started the modernization of legacy system with deep analysis of requirements and regular brainstorming sessions. We developed a secure and intuitive online platform for managing and tracking inventory management-related tasks. Moreover, the platform would log the activity of the new orders and provide detailed reports to the respective team. Admins have full control, can manage campaigns, and managers can oversee multiple accounts. A comprehensive dashboard displaying real-time statistics, like impressions, clicks, and revenue is also provided. Enable the addition, modification, and removal of ad spaces. Categorize ad spaces by platform, format, and target audience.

Value Delivered

The client publishing house successfully launches the Ad Inventory Management Software. This resulted into a significant surge in managing ad spaces, improved campaign performance, and enhanced revenue generation. The publishing house can now make data-driven decisions and can easily manage multiple ads to better serve its advertisers. Our advanced analytics and data management techniques helps to optimize pricing decisions and inventory control to maximize each advertising penny spent. Manage inventory items in real time with high sellout/high overlap to anticipate delivery risk.

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