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Shift Your Business Paradigm with Business Analytics Software Company

Time to supercharge your business engine! With OrangeMantra’s sophisticated Business Analytics solution, you get deep insights into your business operations, customer experience, upcoming trends, potential risk and threats.

OrangeMantra is a leading technology solution company and a name you can trust. With our 23 years of experience and industry-wide experience, we deliver power-packed solutions that achieve your coveted goals.

  • 200+

    Awards & Recognitions

  • 95%

    Error Reduction Rate

  • 90%

    Increased ROI

  • 150+

    Automation Experts

Our Client Across Industries

  • Eicher
  • IKEA
  • Panasonic
  • PVR
  • AND
  • Decathlon
  • Hero
  • BMW
  • Nestle
  • SKF
  • JK Cement
  • Relaxo

Your Tech-Expert for Advanced Business Analytics Solutions

OrangeManra is a leading name in the technological space. Known for our expertise, we develop powerful solutions using revolutionary technology.

For Business Analytics, we use AI, Big Data, Cloud and other disruptive technologies. Thus, we get you a powerful and complete solution that helps you track every single aspect of your business and make proactive changes before competitors.

With our solution, you understand your customers better through sentiment analysis, predict risks and threats using historical data, get real-time performance analytics and get other deep insights for faster and more effective decisions.

Grow Scaled

End-to-end Business Analytics Services for Your Assured Success

Our wide ranging tech expertise delivers a complete Business Analytics solution, so your search and struggle end at a single point.

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Business Intelligence

We use powerful tools and technologies to analyse your business data and provide pivotal insights. We facilitate data integration, real-time performance monitoring, ad hoc reporting, etc., using Informatica, Tableau, Power BI, IBM Cognos, and many others.

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Predictive Modelling

We use statistical algorithms and machine learning techniques to forecast future outcomes based on historical data. We identify trends and patterns, forecast demand and sales, and assess and mitigate risk. Our expertise in R, Python, TensorFlow, and IBM SPSS makes a difference.

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Data Mining

We discover patterns and knowledge buried in large datasets. We execute association rule mining, clustering, and anomaly detection so you get powerful insight that no competitor possesses. We use RapidMiner, KNIME, k-means clustering, Apache Spark MLlib and others.

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Text Mining

Even from unstructured data such as text, we extract valuable information with sentiment analysis, content categorization, and named entity recognition using key tools like NLP libraries like NLTK, SpaCy, and VADER, TextBlob, RapidMiner, and IBM Watson, among others.

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Big Data

Our industry-rare expertise in handling the massive volume, velocity, and variety of data empowers you with information. We offer large dataset processing, scalable storage solutions, real-time analytics using Apache tools, HDFS, Amazon S3 and much more.

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Data Management

We follow industry-leading practices to ensure that your data is accurate, always available, and secure. We establish data governance frameworks and data management solutions and ensure data quality with Collibra, IBM InfoSphere MDM, Talend Data Quality, and Trifacta.

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Decision Analysis

We help you make better choices with systematic analyses and evaluations. With techniques like decision trees, scenario analysis for risk assessment, cost-benefit analysis with SmartDraw, Lucidchart, Oracle Crystal Ball, @RISK, TIBCO Spotfire, etc.

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We spot the best solution to your problems, even within defined constraints. We execute linear and nonlinear programming, supply chain optimisation, and resource allocation. We use IBM CPLEX, Gurobi, Llamasoft Supply Chain Guru, JDA Software, Solver, and AIMMS.

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Social Network Analysis

We study social structures using network and graph theory to identify influencers, understand information flow, and detect communities for well-targeted marketing. We use Gephi, NodeXL, UCINet, Pajek, Louvain Method, and Infomap as per your needs

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Data Visualisation

We represent your data in graphical or visual format to facilitate clear understanding. We create interactive dashboards, heatmaps, charts, and graphs and utilise data storytelling. Here, D3.js, Plotly, Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, Flourish, and Adobe Illustrator help.

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Process Modelling

We create visual representations of your business processes to identify areas for improvement. We create workflow diagrams, do value stream mapping, and optimise processes using tools like Microsoft Visio, Lucidchart, Miro, LeanIX, Signavio, and ARIS BPM.

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Business Decision Modelling

With business decision modelling, we represent complex decision-making processes through graphical models. We create decision trees, influence diagrams, simulations, and quantitative analysis to support your decision with tools like Lucidchart, AnyLogic, MATLAB, etc.

Data-drive Success Stories of OrangeMantra Partners

Analytics-Powered Dashboarding for IKEA’s Market Research

IKEA, the world’s largest furniture retailer, needed a solution to access real-time market insight. We developed a full-fledged and scalable dashboarding solution that perfectly fit the requirement. The real-time visibility into operations and validating data, as well as predictive analysis powered by big data, helped them get deep insight for proactive decisions.

Performance Analysis Dashboard Solution of a Leading Indonesian Bank

Our client, a leading banking organisation, wanted to refine their process for lending personal loans and find the best option. OrangeMantra offered a dashboard solution to tackle the mentioned and other challenges, such as a lack of technical documentation and a comprehensive dashboard.

Manufacturing Process Automation for a Footwear Company

The multinational Indian footwear manufacturer wanted to automate its production processes at the plant and deploy complete automation systems. Relaxo partnered with OrangeMantra to develop and deploy future-ready automation systems. This helped them boost the manufacturing process and enable real-time access to inventory and production data.

Our Sophisticated Tech-Stack for a Future-ready You

We have a team skilled and experienced in the latest ground-breaking technological stack to get you the best Business Analytics solutions.

  • Languages

  • JavaScript Python
  • PHP Ruby
  • JavaScript Julia
  • Tools

  • methadology tool Tableau
  • methadology tool Power BI
  • methadology tool Google Analytics
  • Angular SAS (Statistical Analysis System)
  • Frameworks

  • power tool TensorFlow
  • power tool PyTorch
  • power tool Apache Spark
  • power tool Hadoop
  • Databases

  • power os icon MySQL
  • power os icon PostgreSQL
  • power os icon MongoDB
  • power os icon Microsoft SQL Server

State-of-the-art Business Analytics Technology used by OrangeMantra

OrangeMantra develops your Business Analytics solution utilising its marketing-leading technology expertise. We use futuristic technologies to create solutions that analyse and automate your business.

Big Data Analytics

We uncover valuable insights from vast and complex datasets, empowering your decisions and strategies.

Machine Learning

We employ intelligent algorithms that learn and adapt to predict trends, optimise processes, and enhance business efficiency.

Data Visualisation Tools

We transform raw data into compelling visuals, making complex information easily understandable and actionable.

Predictive Analytics

We help you anticipate future trends and take proactive measures to outsmart competitors in dynamic markets.

Business Intelligence

Get comprehensive business analysis and drive smarter decisions at each organisational level for swift action and decisiveness.

Cloud Computing

Get the agility, scalability, and security of the cloud for seamless access and management of your analytics infrastructure.

Industries We Cater with Our Business Analytics Solutions

Our every Business Analytics solutions developer has worked for a range of industries and delivered solutions that made a significant difference.

Our Streamlined Process For Your Custom Business Analytics Software

OrangeMantra has delivered numerous data-powerful solutions for its clients. Over time, we have honed our process to deliver the best result for every client in any industry.

  • discovery


    First, we understand your requirements and analyse your business to get a complete grasp of what needs to be done.

  •  Process Design


    Based on the information and insights, we designed a sophisticated plan to exactly match your requirements.

  • design


    Once we get the green light from you, our Business Analytics solution developers hop on to the execution of the plan.

  • development


    Rigorous testing of the software and training of the AI-powered solution are carried out to deliver the perfect outcome.

  • deployment


    Even after a successful deployment, we offer sustained post-launch support and maintenance for smooth operations.

Market Leadership Requires Quick Decisions Powered by Real-Time Data. Start Today!

Why is OrangeMantra Your Best Choice for Business Analytics Solutions?

OrangeMantra is a client-centric company that prioritises your success and satisfaction. Here’s why we are your best choice in the domain.

What Our Clients Say

Frequently Asked Question

Business Analytics Solutions helps businesses like you with comprehensive and sophisticated tools and methodologies so that you can analyse your business data and make well-informed decisions. These solutions process real-time business data to extract valuable insights, resulting in a boost to your growth.

A Business Analytics Solutions Developer designs and creates tailored software and systems to help your businesses analyse data with ease and efficiency. They craft solutions to perfectly meet your specific business requirements and integrate analytics tools and technologies that bring insights to make competition-beating solutions.

These software companies specialise in developing and providing custom Business Analytics solutions for data analysis within businesses. These companies offer tools and platforms to extract, interpret, and visualise data, enriching the understanding of decision-makers and facilitating the best decision-making process.

Business Analytics technology includes a range of software tools and methodologies designed to gather and interpret data for deep business insights. It covers advanced analytics, AI, machine learning, data visualisation and many other futuristic technologies.

Business Analytics tools are software applications or platforms that collect and analyse data for businesses. These tools include software for data visualisation, predictive analytics, and reporting.

A Business Data Analyst interprets and analyses data to derive actionable insights for business decision-making. They turn complex data into understandable reports, aiding significantly into strategic planning and business growth initiatives.

Ready for Your Data-Driven Next-Gen Transformation With Power!