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Top 7 Disruptive Digital Marketing Trends Of The Future

Top 7 Disruptive Digital Marketing Trends Of The Future

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The past few years have belonged to disruptive technologies, with businesses embracing innovation to walk on the digital route. Undoubtedly, online marketing has replaced the conventional techniques as one of the key aspects of digital transformation. Things are going to get bigger in 2024, with the dependency on this form of marketing expected to increase everywhere, for businesses of all sizes and from diverse verticals. As 2024 is just around the corner, enterprises would be interested in knowing more about the digital marketing trends that are going to shape their future. Let’s have a look.

1. Bots will be the lifeline of business apps

Smart bots fueled by innovative technologies such as AI and machine learning are poised to become the lifeline of business apps. It would be hard to imagine an application without a chatbot presence. From serving as virtual assistants for e-commerce stores to gathering data for customer research and more, there will be thousands of purposes these bots will serve in the future of digital marketing.

2. Augmented Reality will get bigger

One of the technologies that will open new opportunities for brands in 2024 is that of Augmented Reality. While Augmented Reality apps can be used to build a customer base for the business, brands can also use the technology to project their products on various social media platforms so that users can visualize them in a lifelike way. For instance, a furniture brand can use specialized AR-powered filters to support the projection of their products into the homes of the users visiting the social sites.

Influencer marketing

3. Influencer marketing will be more influential

Digital marketers are already aware of the potential of influencer marketing and its significance will grow in future. This social-media based strategy is capable of connecting with new audiences as well as improving engagement with the existing ones. Consequently, more and more brands will be keen to embrace this trend to be able to leverage the power of social media for extending their reach.

Read more: Hire An Expert Digital Agency To Adopt A Progressive Approach

4. User-generated content will get more attention

User-generated content, as the name suggests, is the content sourced from the real-life customers rather than paid content specialists. Testimonials, reviews, and social media posts are the best instances of such content. Not only is this type of content cost-effective, but also enhances the credibility of the business. Content marketing thus will be more inclined towards user-generated, rather than professional, content in the next year.

5. Mastering micro-moments will be the key

As mobile becomes the mainstay of selling today, there is a need to master “micro-moments”. These are the moments that drive the users to reach for their smartphones and place impulsive orders to purchase something as small as a dress to something as big as a home. The brands that are able to cater to these micro-moments with relevant information irrespective of the time and location emerge as the true winners. In marketing terms, they are able to successfully acquire the customer’s trust and build lasting relationships.

6. Selling will be all about personalization

Personalization has already been recognized as the key element of digital success but the trend is likely to get even bigger in 2023. Data-driven content will drive personalized customer experiences in the coming year and marketers will focus on targeting the right customers with the right recommendations and deals. This personalized content will be delivered on the basis of data related to the customer demographics, preferences, and shopping history.

7. Visualization will be the best way to reach out

Over the years, expert digital marketers have given emphasis to visual content and they will continue to do so in 2023 too. For brands, visual interactions translate into closer connectivity with the buyers. Such buyers are more likely to convert and take social actions in terms of likes and shares as well. Therefore, marketers will be looking to capitalize on the video features of various social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. So, these Digital Marketing Trends definitely helpful for businesses and enterprises.


Today, digital marketing has attained global acceptance and it also attaining new levels of sophistication with every passing day. Therefore, it becomes imperative for businesses to adopt the latest Digital Marketing Trends to keep pace with the market. If you are also looking to do so, it is important to have a seasoned digital marketing partner to help you with this. At Orange Mantra, we cater expert online marketing services that give your business a competitive advantage. Our skilled marketers have helped hundreds of startups and enterprises to extend and strengthen their online presence with the right Search Engine Optimization, Social media marketing, Email Marketing and Online Reputation Management Services.